Back to the Future
Brian Crosby keeps his students for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. 90% are second language and most are students of poverty. I really enjoyed the information that was given. The hot air balloon project was a great way to approach the students with technology and learning the different areas they've come from. While working on the project, the students wrote a story about when they were a balloon. Technology is an active learning for students. They will always need a push, an idea, or words of encouragement and if we as their teacher don't give it to them then we are not doing a very good job of being teachers.
Blended Learning Cycle
The five "E's" - start with an engaging question, students are allowed to explore, you explain, and expand and then you evaluate. The speaker really stresses the importance of a hook, and also pulls them aside individually making sure they know and understand what has been taught. He also feels more involved with his method and feels like it's important to keep involved and keep them interested.
Questions (Presented with data and explain it)
Investigation/Inquiry (Timing on projects)
Video (On any content using direct instructions)
Elaboration (A lot of reading and more understanding)
Review (Meeting with the students before moving on to the next part of the project)
Summary Quiz (Quiz on covered material)
Man Thinking Visible
Ron Ritchhart believes his students needs to be thinkers. He used his own experiences to relate things into his teaching and focuses on his students be avid learners. Richard also thinks that its about the culture on how the lesson gets taught to have a good supportive atmosphere.
Project Based Learning.
In the video, three teachers combine History, English, Information and Processing into PBL. PBL engages learners and have a deeper understanding. The use of technology today has been enhanced to be shared in different ways. Technology is also used as a tool that can come to life. For something as combinable as history and literature this is a great idea - and making it project based learning keeps the students excited and engaged.
Roosevelt Elementary PBL Program
This elementary school uses project based learning from a young age. These projects can help students gain more knowledge. It also helps them retain more information that's given than the teacher explaining it to them.
Project Based Learning is...
-In Dept Learning
-Integrated thematic instruction
-Based on a real world problem
-Project & Presentation
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